Illustration Inspiration

9 illustrations that make me want to be a designer

This year I’m going to try my hand at some digital illustration – unleash my inner artist, put my soul on a canvas, and the like, so with that in mind I’ve been looking around the design arena for some inspiration. I was amazed at all the talent out there so I thought it would be worth sharing my discoveries. Here’s what I found:

1. Tom Lewis

Strictly speaking Tom is painter (nice start, Will) but it’s inspiring and beautiful and that’s what counts. Anyways, Tom uses powerful highlights and accents in his work which create an alluring contrast and a mesmerising look. I saw his work near Brick Lane in Spitalfields and I was fascinated by his brilliant design. His site is here if you like it as much as I do (a lot).

2. Bukubuku

I like this illustration by Bukubuku because there is so much energy in it. You can imagine each of the characters coming to life and skipping off of the page (or screen). It makes you feel warm and cosy inside.

3. Clementine Derodit

This is Easter by Clementine Derodit. It is so vibrant and sweet it probably tastes like a Starburst. Her portfolio is filled with images like this. So beautiful.

4. Laura Osomo

This illustration is my favourite. It makes me smile every time I see it (and was a big part of the inspiration for this blog post). It’s natural, bright and has a healthy dollop of quirk. She has lots of stuff on her website that is equally special.

5. Lou Lou & Tummie

LL&T’s illustrations are sweeter than the desserts their characters are based on. The colours all create this delicious harmony and make you want to eat them up. All their candy-coated goodies are on their yummy website. Yes, please.

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6. Aaron Miller

I love this illustration because of the marvellous way he brings inanimate objects to life and makes them so darn friendly. And so alive, too. This is happiness illustrated. If you’ve taken a fancy the cheery chaps below you can make the illustration below using Aaron’s tutorial in Computer Arts


7. Jon Burgerman

It’s like a rainbow exploded in Jon’s studio. Wow. That’s how colour should be used. These wacky illustration stumble furiously between inspiring and downright confusing but the incredible dynamism is a pleasure to behold.


8. Jared Nickerson

This fun-filled illustration has become another favourite of mine. The intricate details are just impressive and smile-provoking. It’s so stylish it’s no wonder Adidas wanted to use his talents. More stuff here


9. Mark Winkler

Last but not least Mary’s pretty frappachino and muffin is here because it’s so realllllly pretty. Obviously.  It says ‘let’s get this day started’ in a whimsical and magical way. If this doesn’t inspire you or get you excited about design you just might be a robot.
