It’s the twenty…. third of September at an unsociable hour in the night (morning). I honestly don’t want to be writing right now. Well, I want to but I suppose I don’t think that I should. I always like to write as beautifully as possible which rarely occurs so close to the end of the day. But if I don’t write today, then I won’t write tomorrow. And so forth until I give up again. That’s an inexcusable amount of waffle. Please forgive me.

Let’s start again.

Tonight’s adventure was to the magnificent Alexandra Palace in North London. My first visit and I must admit I was astounded by the arena. Stunning architectural structures with the elegant flourishes in abundance. Oh, and stain glass windows designed solely to enthral. A venue fit for the most sophisticated and upstanding of society. Tonight’s main event was my favourite flame-haired enchantress, Florence (Welch) and her mighty machine. Her energy was proliferate and contagious. Her voice was seductive, sweet and beautiful as I’ve ever heard. She makes me feel like a twinkling of light. That’s not the most powerful piece of expression I’ve ever done but I can’t think of any other way to describe it.

I danced. And sang my heart out. My voice will pay my dues tomorrow.

I was quite sangfroid about the playlist but I must admit that I now would have been disappointed if I hadn’t been privy to Drumming Song as she finished the set. One of my all time favourite songs.

“Louder than sirens, louder then bells, sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell…”

Anyways, that’s, well, nothing special but it’s a start. Must dash.

Night, night.


This is conceptual art piece by Christo and Jeanne-Claude. They scattered yellow umbrellas along the California plains.  Why did they do this? To make the country look more beautiful? Perhaps. When it comes down to it though, there was no reason. It was art. It was making the world a more magical place.

This is one of my favourite TED lectures – it’s Charlie Todd talking about Improv Everywhere (well worth a watch, if you have a few minutes to spare). In this wonderful speech, Charlie divulges the humourous history of the group and their mischievous shenanigans, including the No Pants subway ride, the invasion of Best Buy and someone giving out high 5’s. All of the projects don’t have a reason. They aren’t there to make money. They just try to make people smile. And because dancing like an idiot is fantastic fun.
I’m fully aware that this is fictional, but it’s a profound example of going with how you feel in the moment. Pure and simple, running because ‘I just felt like running’. For me it’s got endless inspirepower. The picture I’m trying to paint is just because something doesn’t have an objective, doesn’t mean it’s not achieving anything. Some things are just out there to capture your imagination, or your heart, and you should let them. Don’t waste time with ‘why’. Just find something you just feel like doing, enjoy it, share it, bask in its sunshiney glow. You can figure out why later.